Here is a comparison of SASid’s Simple Term Life $250,000 vs. a Traditional Fully underwritten Term Life $250,000 policy.

Ok, I know some of you are saying, “Am I doing the right thing?” The answer is absolutely. How many clients actually receive the Super Preferred “Bruce Jenner” rates? Not many. Some clients even get upset because they feel you gave them the bait and switch (low rates to get them to sign up). In our own direct internet testing we have found that 90% of consumers actually pick SASid’s higher premium and faster issue term product straight up verses traditional term. Why? Don’t overestimate the consumers speed and convenience buying habits.
With Simple Term you are providing a great service because you are getting your client coverage fast and with minimal hassle (no exams).
After the sale, SASid’s in-house underwriting, online support, and services do the rest of the work for you. You are always in the loop during the process and are always in control. With SASid’s Simple Term all you do is market and educate your clients.

Using SASid’s Simple Term Life, you are making a wise decision to maximize your time and money.

So ask yourself, “What is your time worth?”